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Surgery on a green sawfish (Pristis zijstron)


First surgery (supervised by our wildlife vet, Renata Santos) on a green sawfish (Pristis zijsron), by PEAC Lab candidate with the full support and attention of the Karajarri Traditional Lands Association Ranger team. A short moment of intense focus and absolute magic!

It takes just a few minutes to implant an acoustic transmitter in the ventral cavity of a sawfish. Packed with pressure and acceleration sensors, these small acoustic tags (less than 4cm long) will reveal the movements of this critically endangered species on Karajarri Sea Country in the Kimberly region of Western Australia.

Special thanks to KTLA, DPIRD, the Forrest Research Foundation, the Royal Society of Western Australia and the Ecological Society of Australia Holsworth Wildlife Research Endowment for supporting this project!

All procedures were performed under relevant research permits and approvals from Murdoch University Animal Ethics Committee, the Western Australian Government Department of Biodiversity, Conservation & Attractions and the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development.

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