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Innovation, Passion, Rigour.

PEAC LAB is a research group based at the Harry Butler Institute (, part of Murdoch University in Perth, Australia. 


We are passionate about all research regarding the the ecology, physiology and evolution of marine megafauna and have developed particularly deep expertise in the field of animal-attached remote sensing, or BioLogging.


Our research spans blue-skies topics aimed at understanding the ecology and evolution of marine megafauna to applied research that address salient issues in their management. Our work is done in collaboration with a broad suite of international research partners, First Nations Traditional Owner groups, as well as NGOs and government agencies.


At PEAC LAB, we recognise and value diverse ways of working and put great emphasise on the well-being of our group members.

Get in touch if you would like to engage with us.

Meet the Team

Friends of PEAC LAB


Join Us

We are always eager to hear from eager prospective research students and post-doctoral fellows, so if you want to take the next step in your research career, get in touch. Below, we will detail currently available projects for research students.  Murdoch University offers a range of scholarships for PhD students, please check your eligibility before getting in touch ( A range of post-doctoral opportunities are available for young scientists in Australia for the the right candidates.


Email Adrian with any project ideas and potential funding avenues. Please note that rather than species specific questions, I expect prospective students to address questions of fundamental nature in the area of animal ecology/physiology.


Marine research
Sawfish surgery
Bull shark in Fitzroy River
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