Our Capability
Below you'll find a sample of the kind of work we do. While we have mostly worked in marine systems on large vertebrates, we are holistically interested in many aspects of the physiological and behavioural ecology of animals. The aim of this work is to create better understanding of the processes that shape the environment, ultimately creating the necessary data to enable evidence-based decision making for marine management and conservation.

Much of our work relies on the use of animal-attached remote sensing, specifically "smart tags", which measure a host of behavioural and physiological parameters about its carrier. We actively participate in methodological developments in this space. BioLogging is often the centrepiece of the work we do.
Energetics is the currency of life and as such must be judicially managed by all organisms. We often employ respirometry to measure the energy expenditure of the species we work on, because it provides powerful insight into the challenges that animals face.

Movement Ecology
We use a range of tracking equipment, from GPS to dead-reckoning to follow the paths travelled by animals. We are taking holistic approach to this research and use it to address both fundamantal and applied questions.
Remote Fieldwork
Much of our fieldwork is taking place in remote areas with limited facilities and often harsh climates. We have experience in working with a range of animals, from netting for sharks to capturing sea-turtles at sea.

Quantitative ecology
While we pride ourselves in our ability to perform fieldwork, we also place a rigorous standards on the data analysis we do. We have extensive experience with the R statistical environment and employ tools from traditional statistical modelling to machine learning.