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GUEST BLOG: Visiting researcher, Elena, spent 3 months at PEAC LAB!



¡Hola a todos! I’m Elena, I’m pursuing a Ph.D. in Biodiversity at the Institut de Ciències del Mar (Barcelona, Spain), where I study various aspects of the ecology of swordfish, blue, and mako sharks. This year, I got a scholarship from the Spanish Ministry of Science to visit a lab of my choice for three months, anywhere in the world! I've been wanting to come to Australia for a while, especially to the West Coast after hearing wonderful things about the landscapes and wildlife.

Although my background is mainly in trophic ecology, I’m also interested in movement ecology, so when I found out about the PEAC LAB I thought it was the perfect fit. During these three months, I’ve been exploring the world of diving behavior and learning how to analyse vertical profiles obtained from satellite tags. I also had the opportunity to do some fieldwork in the astonishing Ningaloo reef, where I worked on a ghost crab control experiment together with Eva and Dani from the Western Australian Government Department of Biodiversity, Conservation, and Attractions (DBCA). While being up North, I was offered to fly to Thevenard Island to help in the monitoring and tagging of flatback turtles for the DBCA's Northwest Shelf Flatback Turtle Conservation Program, and I couldn’t say no to that!

I’m really thankful to everyone in the lab for hosting me, and especially to Adrian for giving me this great opportunity. I got to learn new data analysis methodologies and go to the field, but also to work with a wonderful team of researchers, explore Western Australia, and get a taste of the Aussie life! I’m heading back to Spain with my batteries charged to finish my last year of Ph.D. and hopefully coming back soon!

Presenting to PEAC LAB
Presenting to PEAC LAB

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